Your voice matters. We want to fix any issues as soon as possible.
Our teams are committed to listening, learning and improving. We work with Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership in Sussex who share your thoughts and feelings about your experience of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period with us.
Proud to care
We are proud of the care we provide mothers and parents. Our patient experience feedback is now better than at most other trusts in the country.
In 2023/2024, 96% of service users were happy or very happy with their care and would recommend our services.
(NHS Friends and Family Test)
And, in another national maternity survey, UHSussex ranked in the top twenty trusts in the UK for its overall positive score.
We are reviewing how we use the Friends and Family Test data to keep improving our services based on patient feedback. We’ll be displaying our improvements on the wards – please ask your midwife how to share your ideas!

To keep up to date and read some of our new parents sharing their birth stories please follow us on Instagram and Facebook.